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  • Hey Tom, this is Duane in Cartersville. Retired last Sept, no more company phone and lost your contact info. Shoot me a PM and I'd like to discuss your V8 conversion of the 245. I just bought a 740 Wagon and would like to convert it to FORD V8 power. I'm sure your notes would be helpful.

    Looking forward to chatting.

    I want to say that your posts on swapping a 302 have been extremely helpful. Very good information on all aspects of the project.

    Do you happen to have a clearer photo of the motor mount measurements? I have deciphered most of the dimensions but a few are still unclear. If possible please email to


    Thanks so much,

    Having lived with the 5.0 swap for such a long time, I'm curious to know what sort of fuel mileage you are seeing? Rear end ratio you are using? Thanks.
    Of course.

    Contact me off the forum as my mailbox fills to the rather small limit pretty quick. tporter@ellijay.com
    Hello, i was wondering if i could get some info on the motor mounts made for your 5.0 swap. There are some missing measurements such as the lengths on each side of the flat pattern before bending, as well as no angle call outs for all the bends. Thanks.
    Hi TestPoint ! I noticed your Bertone picture. I just bought a Gold 1980 262 C Bertone. Have you had experience with these ?
    Hey, I saw in one of your posts that you are writing a detailed document about your v8 volvo swap. I'd really like to see that, I am just beginning the swap myself. 5.0 ford into a 1984 Volvo 244. Anyway, hope to hear back from you.

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