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  • Someone on Reddit told you me you
    Might have access to the wire diagram for 87 244 dl? Would love to see it if you do!
    Trying to chase down a fuse problem!
    Hello, will a g-80 locker work on a stock 73 140 rear end? I've researched around and can't seem to find a definitive answer.
    It appears to work on a jeep, front 1030 but not on a Volvo 1030 which seems weird. Thanks for your time! Patrick
    What's the best contact for you please? Would like a price on Isky VL123 and Isky 202H-8.
    I also sent a PM.
    Thanks Richo
    Hello, any chance you know which pin the gauge cluster plug is for the o/d light? Is it the same as an early 240? I can't find anything on 140. I'm doing a m41 swap. Thanks!
    Looking for a set of intermediate shaft bearings for a 93 b230f please message me if you still have them avaliable thanks.
    Hey man. For some reason my private messages are not going through? I can’t figure it out. So Feel free to phone me or try another pm back and see if that comes through. I’m new to the site but not new to vintage Volvos. If you didnt get my failed private messages. Yes I need the loops on the step washers fir the su carbs. Cheers and thanks for your help Ted
    Hello again. Just checking in to see if you found two of the stepped manifold washers in your shop. I’ve got my exhaust cut me ng in next weekend so I’m just looking forward to wrenching. Cheers ted
    Do you have a vacuum diagram for a B21ft cruise control? What i'm missing is from vac canister that mounts on fender well where the 2 vac lines go to.Thanks for any help.
    I am very interested in getting the remote fill master cylinder cap you referred to ,but cannot seem to find it anywhere. Any help would be very much appreciated.


    Any more B20 R-sport parts for sale ?
    I read your posts, interesting, you mentioned TRS, is that trs-usa from Topi Hynynen ?
    I know he put together a roller cam kit long ago. Nice guy, I met him back in 1999 once when I was in LA, bought a head with titanium valves from him then :-)

    Best Regards


    I've seen you can get the bearings for the intermediate shaft.

    Can you still get those?
    How much do i have to pay you?
    Can you ship to Denmark?

    Catch me on my E-mail "MadsFilholm@gmail.com" Or Facebook "Mads Filholm"

    Kind regards Mads-
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