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  • Hello - my name is Bob and I am from Woodbury, interested in your AQ171. Have some questions and would like to discuss if possible. 203-540-8923
    Hey man that 16T sounds pretty spot on... thats the T5 one right? I think thats about the size I am looking for, is it good to go or does it need to be balanced/rebuilt?
    trying to find a either a 91 745...with the big headlights....or a 90 244...which ever i come across first in better condition.....figured id respond here rather then go OT
    Hey man, just wondering if you had an idea of when you think that you might be able to buy the car? I have had a couple offers already for about $900 but I told them I was holding out (I'd rather sell to a fellow TB'er who'll take care of it) Let me know!
    Alright, well when you have an idea of when you can take the ride up here send me an e-mail. matt.ruby87@gmail.com
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