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Talk me into the T5 swap

745T+ said:
A stiff clutch is a symptom of a worn out clutch, and I've heard that Centerforce clutches have a heavy pedal. In addition, the aftermarket clutch cables give a much higher pedal effort. Check the cltuch cable and make sure it is genuine Volvo.
not sure where you heard about the centerforces stiffness.. i've used the stage 1 and the dual friction plates.. both plates had oem feel to it.. also there were 2 pressure plates available from volvo for the flat flywheel (8.5").. one was super stiff and heavy.. the other was what the aftermarket ones are based on.. most commonly used.. you're right about the clutch cables.. well.. depends on brand.. i used a beck arnley before.. same pedal feel as stock, but the bushing broken where it goes through the hole at the bell housing..

Snoop Dougy Doug said:
Dave, its probably that super tall 5th. Mine is the .8 and if I get into 5th and try to accelerate below 3500rpm it does the same thing too. Actually, even below 4500. Basicly I only shift into 5th (at WOT) at 120 ;-)

Thanks, Doug, for confirming I'm not the only one. I can imagine that my poly bushings and the solid torque rods contribute to the harshness. The thing that has me puzzled is I can't see Ford allowing their Mustangs to do anything like that in 5th... anyone know if there is something different in a Mustang driveline that somehow quiets the jackhammer in 5th?

It's bad enough that I may need to have the 5th gear changed to a lower ratio (if something like that is possible).
Dave B.
Mustangs(except my POS, only V8s) did have a "Dogbone" dampner at the rear of the drivetrain around the nose of the rear end...not sure if that was its purpose...but my car doesnt' have this since it was a 4 banger.