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Easy therm values for LH2.4 sensor

Magnum TE

Broke another B230F+T
300+ Club
Nov 12, 2002
Santa Rosa Ca
After several times unsuccessfully getting my temp sensor reading correctly in MT, and having only seen good data from LH2.2 sensors I decided to make my own chart to have values to enter into Easytherm for the LH2.4 sensor.

Here is a list I made of restive values using a LH2.4 temp sensor (Bosch # 0280130032 461 (050) sensor) it is a used sensor and I plan to do the testing again with a brand new one. I also will get some antifreeze to get higher than 100 deg temps. 0?C was measured in an DI water and ice slurry. Temps were stabilized until the resistive reading stabilized.

DATA REMOVED BECAUSE MY MEASUREMENTS WERE NOT TAKEN IN BETWEEN ONE PIN AND THE BODY OF THE SENSOR (thanks ZVLOV). I will update with proper data from 3 sensors when time allows.

Since I have access to some very high quality laboratory equipment I thought I'd get some good data. Resistance was read using a recently calibrated Fluke 87 series II multimeter. The 0-150 ?C thermometer's calibration is up to date and complies with all EPA and CDPH and what ever other regulatory industries control lab standards.

SS wire sensor holder:

200mL beaker on hot plate:

Calibrated thermometer on holder.

Pretty snazzy eh? I will update the chart with values from 2 other old LH2.4 sensors as well as the new one.

From the Brick Board FAQ
ECT resistance cold for LH2.4 systems should be around 6k ohms at 32 degrees F (0 deg C), 2300-2700 ohms at 68 degrees F (20 C), and 200 at 212 F (100 C).
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give it a try, or hold out until i get values for a few sensors.
I have not changed anything on my MS box, it still's running the lh2.2 values with teh 2.4 sensor and is pretty far off.
so according to brickboard, the sensor you tested is off? or their measurements are? or am i not able to read...LOL
you're right I put that there just to have it referenced in one place. Like I stated earlier, this was an 'old' sensor; I will be retesting with a new sensor and different 'old' sensor and I will average the results. Another reason for the discrepancy could be that I was testing the resistance right at the sensor, where as the brick board says to test it at the ECU.

I'm also going to do further testing in oil so that I can get higher temps. I will also do the 0, 20, 100, points to compare directly to the brickboard data.

This will take a little time because it all depends on my work load.

I encourage people to post their own data, include the part number of the sensor, and do at the minimum the 0, 20, 100 values. I will tabulate all of the data and update the graph with all the points.
You realize resistance readings are between Pin 1 and Pin 2 for LH2.2 sensors and then for Lh2.4 sensors the reading is between each pin and ground (body of sensor)?

Also, in the Chiltons manual it reads exactly what the brickboard quote says above. 0 deg C=6k, 40 deg C=1000, 80 deg C=370 ish. It claims that is the reading for LH2.2 and "other LH jetronic are similar plus or minus 100 ohms"
You realize resistance readings are between Pin 1 and Pin 2 for LH2.2 sensors and then for Lh2.4 sensors the reading is between each pin and ground (body of sensor)?

Also, in the Chiltons manual it reads exactly what the brickboard quote says above. 0 deg C=6k, 40 deg C=1000, 80 deg C=370 ish. It claims that is the reading for LH2.2 and "other LH jetronic are similar plus or minus 100 ohms"

I was actually reading it between the 2 pins. I will remove the bad data. Stay tuned for good numbers maybe in 2 weeks. I assume that the brickboard post was quoting the same source as chiltons, so it would make sense that they are the same.
I got the LH 2.4 sensor values I use from the Volvo green book. It just has a graph, not specific values, so they may not be perfect. MS2 only asks for three points.

-25?C 20000Ω
50?C 800Ω
120?C 110Ω

On the lh 2.4 sensors one pin is for the lh unit and the other is for the ezk unit. Both resistors inside are the same value.
Love this research. Couple years ago these ECT's were driving me crazy. Looking back at my ("help me" -for Gods sake!!!) posts, I was in electronic pin wonderland myself. :-D