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  • Hello, I would like to talk to you about the 92 wagon with 940T drivetrain, t5 swap parts, and some other miscellaneous. Im located in the Bay Area. I can be reached at Jksaltman@hotmail.com
    or best my cell- 707-803-9920
    No clue man. There really isn't much of a scene here. My family and my buddy are the only people around here I know that are into their bricks. Badvlvo used to live in Reno, and Jay in Sparks has that awesome 240 Bertone that runs 10s. Drop a line if you are back at the Lake, I was up there on Friday morning.
    hey man, i was in tahoe for the past week.
    saw this really clean 745ti on some kinda five spoke aftermarket rims, looked european.
    also saw this grey c70 cabrio on dark pegs, with an eggcrate.
    know anything about those two?
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